As an athlete on your gym’s climbing team you can support trans climbers in your community and beyond. If you have trans or nonbinary team members, ask them what support they might be looking for from you. Additionally, talk to your coaches and ask them to ask your gym to withdraw their support and hosting of USAC competitions under USA Climbing’s new transgender athlete participation policy. You can direct them to this website for more information!
Send a letter to your coach:
To [coach],
I love climbing on [gym name]’s climbing team and being a part of our community. However, I am really disappointed and disheartened to hear the news of USA Climbing’s new Transgender Athlete Participation policy and the many ways it impacts and excludes transgender athletes.
It has come to my attention that USA Climbing is in the works of a new policy and they they are taking into consideration the feedback of trans, nonbinary, and intersex athletes in this new process.
If possible, can our gym send a letter of support to USA Climbing at this time to encourage them to continue to listen to the impacted communities in our sport? Thank you so much for thinking about this.
[your name]