Media & Information

If you are looking for content you can repost to show support, or for information packets and brochures you can give to the stakeholders in your community, here are a collection you can use and repost without permission.

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Information Packets

(NOTE: The following information was created as of December 2023 and is now (happily!) outdated. We will update these resources as we are able to.

Brochure - This brochure can be used to be mailed or delivered to gyms in your area. Consider asking your gym to print and display these brochures.

Printable PDF

Posters - This poster can be used to be mailed or delivered to gyms in your area. Print and post widely!

Printable PDF

Postcards - This postcard can be used to be mailed or delivered to gyms in your area or to be given to friends and gym members as a quick information source.

Printable PDF